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Reading bingo: books 13-16



Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (a book set in the future)

I completely forgot to write anything about this book.  My bad.  I did not really enjoy this book.  It was way too long and too dry and too ugh.  The main character went from being annoying to being tolerable to making bad choices and being annoying again.  I don’t like being significantly smarter than everyone in a book.  It just means I can predict every piece of the story and I just read a book about people making really bad choices.  I didn’t really learn anything or enjoy much of this book.  I had to push myself to finish it.  Unpleasant.  I won’t be finishing the series.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (a book set in another world)

This book was on my mental to-read list for a while, probably since college.  Most of my friends had read in and spoke highly of it, and I really liked the movie.  I’d been putting it off for a while and then I saw it at the library (along with the next book on this list) and thought I’d take the plunge.  It was pretty good, overall, which I expected.  It dragged on a bit toward the end – got a bit mathy.  I’m a fan of sci-fi, but I am not a fan of actual science.  So I understand that is a personal issue and don’t hold it against Douglas Adams or this book.


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews (a book with a break up)

Clearly I am running out of squares.  I’m going to have to be more selective about the books I read in order to try to fill this dang card up.  This was a stretch, considering the break up was tiny and irrelevant, but STILL A BREAK UP.  This book is written in such a fun way; Jesse Andrews has a really unique, self-deprecating style that I actually enjoyed.  He walks the fine line being so complain-y and self loathsome that he’s annoying, but manages to keep it readable and entertaining rather than obnoxious.  I can’t wait to see what else he ends up writing.
(sidenote: what a phenomenal book cover)


Landline by Rainbow Rowell (a book that made you cry)

I’m lucky this book made me tear up, otherwise I would’ve had no where to put it on this card.  You all know how I’ve had mixed feelings about Rowell: first being completely smitten with her (Fangirl) and then being severely disappointed and bored (Eleanor & Park).  Landline brought me right back to where I was after Fangirl – sonce again I am quite a fan of Rowell and I would like her to write my life into a love story.  Her novels are clearly my outlet for my hopeless romanticism.  I hope she spits out another one soon so I can engulf myself in it (or I’ll probably just go read Attachments…).  Definitely A+ work, especially for the upper end of the YA age bracket (again, sort of a stretch, but I’m counting it as YA since it’s by Rowell who is clasically a YA writer); I don’t tend to enjoy books about older people (cough people my age cough) but I really liked this, despite some lack of relatability.

ALSO, I officially got BINGO upon finishing Hitchhiker’s Guide.  So congratulations to ME.